
Captain of Webhaven

Passionate about cycling, running, the world wide web and spending time with my wife and our three children.

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of building, launching, and rebuilding from scratch over and over. 

I designed Webhaven to break this cycle offering a solution that’s robust, adaptable and future proof. This helps shift focus to what truly matters: delighting your customers with value.

If you'd like to connect you can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, or you can contact me using the contact form.

Preview of Webhaven demo website

Launch of the Webhaven demo website 🎉

The webhaven demo is live, showcasing all the possibilities Webhaven has to offer. I'm proud of this milestone and I look forward to all impressions, reactions and feedback to improve and grow it!

Webhaven launch

Introducing Webhaven

The past 15 years I’ve worked on countless web projects, from small websites to large-scale web applications. 

Webhaven was created based on all lessons learned along the way.