How Webhaven’s PageSpeed Insights score impacts SEO and User Experience

This blog post explores how Webhaven optimizes page speed, enhances website performance and ensures a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

PageSpeed Insights results for Webhaven

PageSpeed insights tests a website on four levels for both mobile and desktop:

  • Performance
  • Accessibility
  • Best practices
  • SEO


The performance metric checks how fast your website loads and runs. A slow website will frustrate visitors, while a fast one keeps them happy. It looks at things like how long it takes for the page to show up and if everything loads smoothly.


This makes sure your website is easy to use for everyone, including people with disabilities. For example: can someone using a screen reader navigate your site easily? Are the colors and text easy to read?

Best practices

This looks at whether your website follows modern web standards. It checks things like security, proper coding and if everything works correctly across different devices and browsers.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This checks if your website is set up in a way that makes it easy for Google and other search engines to find and rank it. Good SEO helps your site show up higher in search results which brings in more visitors.

The results for Webhaven

I've put Webhaven to the test and to be honest on the first few tests PageSpeed Insights gave a lot of feedback on what could be improved (speed, code, contrast, etc.) and so I did.

I've learned a lot from all this feedback and I applied it to improve Webhaven and rerun the test. Here are the latest results:


  • Performance (98)
  • Accessibility (92)
  • Best practices (100)
  • SEO (100)


  • Performance (98)
  • Accessibility (95)
  • Best practices (100)
  • SEO (100)

Very happy with these results, I think they speak for themselves.


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Introducing Webhaven

The past 15 years I’ve worked on countless web projects, from small websites to large-scale web applications. 

Webhaven was created based on all lessons learned along the way.