Webhaven.io receives A+ carbon rating 😮
Webhaven.io has been awarded an A+ carbon rating! This recognition highlights my commitment for a sustainable, performance driven digital solution that is built on best practices.

The past 15 years I’ve worked on countless web projects, from small websites to large-scale web applications.
Webhaven was created based on all the lessons learned along the way. I built it to ensure that every project starts with the Olympic minimum - a solid, efficient foundation - so I can focus on what really matters without reinventing the wheel.
It’s one thing to talk about best practices, performance and sustainability, but it’s another to see those principles validated. Receiving an A+ carbon rating proves that Webhaven isn’t just about words - it’s about real impact.
This recognition fuels my motivation to keep pushing on the project as I have lots of cool ideas in store.
But it's not all good news, thanks to the report I also noticed that I should probably move to a green hosting solution in the (near) future.